FAQs, Precautions & Tips

  • How Often Should the Septic Tank Be Pumped?

    Every 3-5 years, when the sludge in the tank is approaching the 1/3 full mark. If more than this amount of sludge builds up, there is a chance that particles can get into the cell (drainfield) and clog the system.

    To insure regular service, keep a maintenance record of your system (the Bumett County Zoning Office sends post cards to remind homeowners to pump their tanks).

  • How Does the Use of Household Water Affect the System?

    It's always best to conserve water. The more water that is used, the more that must be disposed of by the septic system cells (drainfield).

    We recommend buying water conserving appliances, such as dishwashers, washing machines, and toilets. Install water conserving shower heads and faucets. Avoid unnecessary flushing of stool. Wash only full loads of clothes and fix leaky faucets.

  • Septic Safety Precautions

    • Absolutely never go into a septic tank: Lethal gases build up in the tank that are overpowering and deadly. Call professionals if you have a problem with your system.
    • Know where the manhole cover is located: It should be earth covered or locked at all times.
    • Old septic tanks: Septic tanks that are no longer being used should be filled with earth or rock

    A properly designed and installed system will give you years of trouble-free service if you protect the system with good daily habits and pump the septic tank regularly.

  • Common Household Habits to Avoid for A Longer Lasting System

    It's essential to not treat your septic tank as a disposal: Grease is the worst thing in a system. Coffee grounds, bones, cooking fats, filter cigarette butts, disposable diapers, paper toweling, tissues, etc., should not be put into the system.

    Garbage disposals are not recommended: The food particles fill up the septic tank faster and food particles tend to clog the system. If a garbage disposal is used, plan to pump the septic system twice as often or increase the tank size by 1/3.

    Rainwater runoff overloads the system: Since all water must be disposed of, do not have storm or clear water from the basement or roof or water softener go into the sewage treatment system.

    Extensive use of household cleaning products: Moderate use of bleaches, cleansers and other household products will not harm your septic tank.

    Colorful toilet paper: White toilet paper use is the best because there are no dyes that need to be broken down in white paper.

Need more information? Call us on (715) 349-7286 to speak with one of our experts.

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